TEBRIX has made sure that you can heat and cool the rooms of your choice for a comfortable living environment in the bunker.
Phone: +420 720 072 248
E-mail: info@tebrix.cz
Kubelíkova 150/4, 460 07 Liberec
A heat pump will be installed for heating and cooling the bunker. This is a type of air conditioning machine for extracting and converting heat from the soil. It uses natural thermal energy, which accumulates in the soil, that is extracted and transformed into useful heat. This way, water is heated in the boiler or cooled in the internal pipe network. There are several types of heat pumps, as we will install the type, which suits your bunker. In the earth coil, heat energy is extracted directly from the earth as an earth-connected closed system. The system is reliable and highly efficient. It heats the rooms in the bunker, the boiler and the water in the pipe network successfully, and during the summer it cools if needed.

The air purification system is a military development that we officially import directly from the manufacturers in Switzerland or Israel, depending on the needs. All polluted air is sucked out by the fan, which then passes it through a valve. The air passes through a filter that purifies it and it becomes breathable. The system is equipped with an H14A filter of the highest class, a preliminary filter class F9 and a carbon filter capable of removing all known biological contaminants, war gases and nuclear waste from the air.