Be informed instead of afraid! Eight facts you need to know about the need to protect yourself.
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We at TEBRIX have done a Risk Assessment to inform more people about the upcoming threats they face. Many people are unaware of the risks they and their families face simply because they are not informed and don´t want to think about it. History has proven that the fittest always survive, not those who close their eyes because they don´t like reality. It´s time we all open our eyes, look squarely at the problem and realize that human civilization is on the brink of survival at any moment. No one wants to scare you, we just want you to be informed. Good decisions are made only on the basis of good information. In the article, we will highlight the facts to avoid speculation.We at TEBRIX have done a Risk Assessment to inform more people about the upcoming threats they face. Many people are unaware of the risks they and their families face simply because they are not informed and don´t want to think about it. History has proven that the fittest always survive, not those who close their eyes because they don´t like reality. It´s time we all open our eyes, look squarely at the problem and realize that human civilization is on the brink of survival at any moment. No one wants to scare you, we just want you to be informed. Good decisions are made only on the basis of good information. In the article, we will highlight the facts to avoid speculation.
The planet is overpopulated! Never before has the human population reached such
proportions. About 20 years ago, humanity numbered about 4 billion people. Now the
number is almost double! How much it will be in the next 20 years is anyone´s guess, but let´s consider that the growth is exponential. Overpopulation leads to food shortages, starvation, the possibility of new viruses and industrial pollution of the air, soil and rivers. When life in such areas becomes impossible, people begin to seek shelter outside of them. And that means violation of the sovereignty of neighbouring state borders and war.
There are many possibilities for a global economic collapse. Analysts noticed these
assumptions even before the emergence of COVID-19. The course of this disease only
confirms their predictions. Exactly how deep this collapse will be remains to be seen. Above
a certain limit, it will lead to unemployment in many sectors, famine, civil unrest and
ultimately, if the situation is not brought under control, anarchy. In anarchy, according to
predictions made in the US, half the population will be dead within a year due to the lack of
a system of government. The government, the military and the elite will be ready and take
care of their families and completely give up managerial functions. This means disrupting
food supplies, transportation and everything in the chain. The consequence will be the
creation of local gangs.
The nuclear threat is greater than ever. American and Russian missiles are constantly on
alert. A number of other world powers are ready to defend their nuclear weapons territory
in times of threat. A nuclear event is more likely now than during the Cold War. Terrorist
organizations are stronger than before and have more financial opportunities. This is a
prerequisite for the detonation of nuclear and biological weapons. An attack from a
neighbouring country could trigger large-scale military action and end in a nuclear apocalypse within days.
Bioterrorism is a real threat to the health of the population. The release of a single lab-
engineered virus or chemical could wipe out millions of people before a vaccine or cure is
found. As a result, there will be economic upheavals, which will then lead to total anarchy
and wars with unknown consequences.
Geological evidence shows that the Earth has undergone many pole changes. Each such change occurs once every 500 000 years. The last pole shift was 780 000 years ago, so we are late for the next one and the rotation can happen at any moment! The results of a reorientation of the poles would lead to earthquakes, mega tsunamis and massive storms with over 600 km/m. Nothing on the surface would survive those natural disasters.
NASA is tracking a dangerous asteroid with a diameter of 210 x 330 meters, called Apophis, which is expected to pass close to Earth on Friday, April 13, 2029 and again in 2036. A direct hit or if it passes too close would lead to fatal consequences or at least a temporary imbalance for all mankind.
For size comparison, on February 15, 2013, the Chelyabinsk meteorite fell to the Earth, injuring over 1,000 people and causing a lot of material damage. The size of this meteorite was about 20 meters in diameter! It caused 3 explosions, the first of which at an altitude of about 50 km and had an approximate power of 500 kilotons / as much as a nuclear explosion /.
EMR / electromagnetic pulse / is also known as NEMR / EMR with high altitude /. A detonation hundreds of kilometres above the Earth's surface would lead to complete destruction of all electronic circuits, including the Internet, power lines and the entire power grid.
On July 23, 2012 we witnessed one of the strongest eruptions of the Sun, which caused a powerful magnetic storm. Luckily, it passed around the Earth. If it had hit us it would have cut off power to the entire planet. It is estimated that over 60% of the population would die within a year of a detonation due to our dependence on electricity. The entire infrastructure would suffer. This means interrupting the transport of goods, food and medicine. That would lead to anarchy, and local wars for food and shelter.
CUMBRE VIEJA volcano on the Canary Islands could erupt at any moment, causing half the mountain to collapse into the ocean, creating a 1076-meter-high mega-tsunami that would cross the Atlantic and destroy much of Europe and Africa as well as the east coast of North America.
The super volcano below Yellowstone National Park in the United States had last erupted about 640 000 years ago. If it erupts it would release ash and magma in such quantities that it would affect not only North America but the entire World. Huge amounts of gases would be released and pyroclastic clouds would overshadow vast areas from the Sun. This would also change the balance of carbon dioxide on the planet and cause an active greenhouse effect.