TEBRIX is one of the first companies in the Czech Republic that specializes in the design and construction of underground anti-nuclear shelters, the security of buildings (family houses, apartment buildings, schools, hospitals and other commercial buildings), underground shooting ranges and the implementation of revisions and subsequent reconstructions of civil protection shelters.
TEBRIX buildings (shelters) meet all safety requirements according to the relevant standards. TEBRIX has a team of specialists and these specialists work closely with several international companies.
TEBRIX mission is to create safety and protection for you and your family. TEBRIX specialists prepare individual projects that meet all requirements for safe survival and provide equipment to make you feel like a second home. We in TEBRIX believe that life-long peace of mind comes first, which is why we are uncompromising in quality.
TEBRIX goal is to provide more people with security for their lives. In these ever-changing times, one must be prepared for anything in order to live normally.
Designing and building a private shelter is a huge responsibility. It is about saving human life. TEBRIX works with foreign companies with a history in life support systems with successful countermeasures against chemical, biological and nuclear attacks. The TEBRIX team consists of real specialists from many different fields; they are experts with knowledge and experience. Customer information and the location of any shelter or other buildings are confidential.
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